Customisation and attention to detail for the highest product quality
Lors du processus de traitement et transformation du chocolat, de la fève de cacao au chocolat liquide, il est fondamental de préserver les caractéristiques organoleptiques de la matière première, afin de garantir le maximum de qualité du produit fini, représenté par les pralinés, les barres, les gâteaux, les biscuits, les œufs et les tablettes.
More specifically, precision and attention during the storage and transport of chocolate is essential in order not to alter its organoleptic properties.
PiovanGroup provides specific and highly customised solutions for the storage et une transport of chocolate, guaranteeing maximum attention to detail. Specifically, the geometry and accurate internal surface finish of the silos, equipped with internal stirrer, pumps and load cells, ensure the easy flow of chocolate. Furthermore, double jacket conveying solutions guarantee the conservation of the correct viscosity and maximum safety during the transport of the food ingredient. PiovanGroup also designs and manufactures machinery for the addition of additives and inclusions, to add to chocolate in a controlled and precise manner.
The consolidated experience of the Group in the confectionery sector, combined with a capillary technical assistance service, ensures constant proximity to the customer worldwide. All Piovan Group machines for chocolate processing are characterised, moreover, by easy access and maintenance and by guaranteeing maximum levels of safety.
Storage, transport, dosing and sieving are just some of the food ingredient processing stages in which Piovan Penta et une Piovan Fea, the Piovan Group companies specialising in automation systems for the processing of food ingredients, operate.