Investor Relations

Financial highlights

TOTAL REVENUE AND OTHER INCOME 570.521 531.395 287.029 225.180 234.360 247.843
ADJUSTED EBITDA (*) 78.850 62.702 40.975 32.242 31.010 38.491
OPERATING PROFIT (EBIT) 64.655 44.692 33.626 26.033 25.795 31.338
NET FINANCIAL INCOME (EXPENSES) (1.531) (1.984) (196) (263) 21 (207)
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 64.899 46.350 34.750 23.991 26.257 33.490
NET PROFIT 48.910 34.841 27.676 17.415 19.004 25.514
(€'000) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
(*) Adjusted Ebitda excludes certain non-recurring components.

Group structure

Shareholders Structure

(*) Ordinary share capital computed excluding Piovan S.p.A. treasury shares.
Data updated as of February 19, 2025 on the basis of the information available.
(**) Share capital expressed as number of votes pursuant to Article 120, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, excluding Piovan S.p.A. treasury shares.
Data updated as of February 19, 2025 on the basis of the information available.

Financial statements


Price Sensitive Press Releases

Dissemination and storage of regulated information are carried out by 1INFO,, authorized by CONSOB and run by Computershare S.p.A. with a registered office in Via Lorenzo Mascheroni no. 19, Milan – Italy.
26.12.2024 17:45 - Press release issued at the request of Automation Systems S.p.A.19.12.2024 16:53 - The BoD of Piovan S.p.A. approves the annual calendar of 2025 corporate events13.11.2024 17:46 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the periodic financial information as of September 30, 202411.11.2024 07:25 - Press release issued at the request of Automation Systems S.p.A.01.10.2024 16:33 - The Shareholders' Meeting of Piovan S.p.A. appoints a new Board of Directors10.09.2024 16:42 - Publication of the slates of candidates submitted for the appointment of the Board of Directors07.08.2024 17:30 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the consolidated half year financial report as of June 30, 202431.07.2024 18:16 - Resignation of the members of the Board of Directors of Piovan SpA19.07.2024 07:00 - Press Release ex art. 114 TUF (ENG)17.05.2024 16:20 - Notice of publication of the minutes of the Shareholders Meeting held on April 29, 2024 and of the By-laws14.05.2024 17:31 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the periodic financial information as of March 31, 202430.04.2024 09:00 - Notice of dividend payment and of publication of the minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting of April 29, 202429.04.2024 17:33 - The Shareholders Meeting of Piovan S.p.A. approves the 2023 Financial Statements08.04.2024 11:51 - Publication of the slates of candidates for the appointment of the Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors05.04.2024 08:30 - Non-submission of minority slates for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors29.03.2024 12:10 - Notice of publication of the remaining documentation for the Shareholders AGM of 29.04.202420.03.2024 08:52 - Notice of publication of the documentation for the Shareholders AGM of 29.04.202419.03.2024 17:35 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the consolidated financial statements and the draft financial statements as of 31.12.2315.02.2024 14:09 - Piovan S.p.A. completes the acquisition of 1% of the share capital of Nu-Vu06.02.2024 18:56 - Piovan S.p.A. acquires 1% of the share capital of Nu-Vu25.01.2024 17:29 - The BoD of Piovan S.p.A. approves the annual calendar of 2024 corporate events
13.12.2021 07:55 - Piovan acquires IPEG strengthening its global leadership11.11.2021 18:00 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the periodic financial information as of September 30, 202108.11.2021 16:19 - Piovan S.p.A. receives an ESG Risk Rating by Sustainalytics04.11.2021 18:45 - Giovanni Rigodanza appointed as the new Group CFO18.10.2021 12:35 - Piovan S.p.A. Board of Directors appoints the new Executive Officer for Financial Reporting ad interim11.10.2021 17:55 - The Chief Financial Officer and Executive Officer for Financial Reporting concludes her professional experience within PiovanGroup08.09.2021 18:08 - The BoD of Piovan S.p.A. approves the consolidated half-year financial report as of June 30, 202128.07.2021 16:50 - Update of the annual calendar of 2021 corporate events13.05.2021 18:55 - The BoD of Piovan S.p.A. approves the periodic financial information as of 31.03.202107.05.2021 17:00 - Notice of dividend payment and of publication of the minutes Shareholders Meeting 29 04 202129.04.2021 19:00 - The AGM approves the financial statements as of 31.12.2020, the dividend distribution and appoints the BoD and the Board of Statutory Auditors08.04.2021 16:00 - Publication of the slates of candidates for the appointment of the Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors05.04.2021 08:59 - Non-submission of minority slates for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors at the Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29, 202130.03.2021 23:05 - Notice of publication of the remaining documentation for the ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 202120.03.2021 09:05 - Notice of publication of the documentation for the shareholders AGM of 29.04.2119.03.2021 20:11 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the financial statements as of 31.12.202026.01.2021 18:06 - Annual Calendar of 2021 Corporate Events08.01.2021 16:54 - Changes in the total amount of voting rights
11.11.2020 20:30 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the Periodic Financial Information as of September 30, 202023.10.2020 10:24 - Notice of dividend payment and of publication of the minutes Shareholders Meeting 13 10 202015.10.2020 19:30 - PiovanGroup perfects the acquisition of Doteco SpA13.10.2020 18:00 - The Shareholders Meeting approves the dividend distribution and appoints a director06.10.2020 08:59 - PiovanGroup acquires 100% of the share capital of Doteco SpA02.10.2020 18:20 - PiovanGroup acquires 100% of the share capital of Doteco SpA23.09.2020 18:00 - Changes in the total amount of voting rights15.09.2020 19:15 - Clarification regarding the dividend distribution proposal and amendment of a document11.09.2020 20:20 - Update of the annual calendar of 2020 corporate events10.09.2020 22:10 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the financial results as of 30.06.202009.06.2020 18:14 - Notice of publication of the minutes of the Shareholders Meeting held on May 12, 202014.05.2020 20:52 - The Board of Directors of Piovan SpA approves the periodic financial information as of March 31, 202012.05.2020 19:05 - Resignation of the Indipendent Director Marco Milani12.05.2020 17:00 - The Shareholders Meeting approves the 2019 financial statements08.05.2020 17:58 - Group Chief Commercial Officer leaves PiovanGroup27.04.2020 18:47 - Update of the annual calendar of 2020 corporate events24.04.2020 21:19 - The Board of Directors withdraws the proposal of dividend distribution and postpones the Shareholder's meeting to May 12, 202015.04.2020 18:41 - Publication of amendment of Illustrative Report of the Directors01.04.2020 08:58 - Elisabetta Floccari appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer27.03.2020 19:17 - Publication of documentation for Shareholders AGM 29.04.202024.03.2020 08:43 - Supplement to the press release of March 19, 202019.03.2020 19:30 - The BoD of Piovan SpA approves the financial results as of 31.12.201921.01.2020 17:59 - Annual Calendar of 2020 Corporate Events
12.11.2019 18:51 - The Board of Directors of Piovan S.p.A. approves the periodic financial information as of September 30, 201909.09.2019 20:54 - The Board of Directors of Piovan S.p.A. approves the Half-year Consolidated Financial Report as at 30 June 2019, appoints a manager responsible for preparing the Company’s financial reports and appoints an Investor Relations Officer25.07.2019 09:02 - PiovanGroup acquires FEA p.t.p. S.r.l., a company based in Cuneo specialised in automation for the food industry24.07.2019 10:53 - Resignation of the Group Chief Financial Officer, Officer Responsible for the preparation of Corporate Financial Reports and Investor Relator09.07.2019 10:25 - PiovanGroup acquires ToBaPNC Co. Ltd. in South Korea27.06.2019 10:58 - Clarification of changes in the share capital24.06.2019 15:20 - Changes in the total amount of voting rights21.05.2019 11:21 - PiovanGroup opens a commercial branch in Morocco14.05.2019 17:43 - The Board of Directors of Piovan S.p.A. approves the periodic financial information as of 31 March 201909.05.2019 09:37 - Notice of publication of the minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 17, 201917.04.2019 14:52 - The Shareholders’ Meeting approves the 2018 Financial Statements and a dividend distribution of euro 0.15 per share26.03.2019 22:33 - Publication of documentation of Shareholders' Meeting held on 17 April 201914.03.2019 18:00 - Results for the 2018 financial year ended 31 December 201815.01.2019 20:34 - Approval of the regulations on two Incentive Plans and adoption of the corporate events' calendar

Shareholders Meetings


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With reference to the mandatory totalitarian tender offer (offerta pubblica di acquisto obbligatoria totalitaria) (the “Offer”’) over the ordinary shares (the “Shares”) of Piovan S.p.A. (the “Issuer”), promoted by Automation Systems S.p.A. (the “Offeror”) pursuant to Articles 102 and 106, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 58/1998 and communicated to the market on January 28, 2025, the following is specified.

The Offer is being launched exclusively in Italy, as the Shares are listed exclusively on the Euronext STAR Milan market, organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.; it is addressed, without discrimination and on equal terms, to all the shareholders of the Issuer and, except as indicated below, it is subject to the disclosure obligations and procedural requirements provided for under Italian law.

In particular, the Offer will be launched by means of the publication of an offer document subject to the approval of the Italian supervisory financial authority (Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa - CONSOB) (the “Offer Document”). The Offer Document will contain the full description of the terms and conditions of the Offer, including the terms and conditions of acceptance. Before accepting the Offer, the Issuer's shareholders are recommended to carefully read the documents concerning the Offer published pursuant to the applicable law.

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Any person wishing to access this section of the website and to examine the Offer Document and the other documents published therein must carefully read and be fully aware of the above. Prior to the commencement of the Offer period, in accordance with applicable regulations, the Offeror will publish the Offer Document, which shareholders of the Issuer should carefully review.

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Financial calendar


April 29, 2025
Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
May 14, 2025
Approval of the Periodic financial statements as at March 31, 2025

Load more financial events


March 20, 2025
Approval of the Annual financial report of Piovan Group and of the draft separate financial statements of Piovan S.p.A. for the financial year closed on December 31, 2024, and of the proposal for the allocation of profits

Analyst Coverage

Kepler Chevreux
Matteo Bonizzoni
Marco Vitale

IR Contacts 

Giovanni Rigodanza
T: +39 041 5799 120 | M: +39 334 6244 065

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