
Consapevolezza e impegno per una crescita equilibrata e sostenibile.

I temi legati all’ESG sono un'ottima opportunità per strutturare una crescita sostenibile nel rispetto dei valori ambientali, di equità sociale e di governance.
Nicola Piovan
Presidente Esecutivo

PiovanGroup sustainability achievements

ESG – Sostenibilità ambientale

Plastic is much more recyclable than you think; in fact, many of the plastic polymers can potentially be recycled into new products while minimising environmental pollution. 

Plastic has a low environmental impact in the production phase due to its relatively low melting temperature and light weight. It also has a low impact on scarce resources as it derives from processing waste, if virgin, or from recycled material (unlike other packaging, such as paper that can contribute to deforestation).  

The Group is increasingly focusing on solutions for the recovery of post-consumer plastic and its processing. We are constantly working with the biggest industry players to offer innovative solutions using recycled or biodegradable plastic.

Riciclo e bioplastiche
Riciclabilità del prodotto
Energy Management
Politiche ambientali
Mitigazione dei Cambiamenti Climatici


Il nostro obiettivo è fornire ai nostri clienti le migliori tecnologie possibili affinché possano lavorare la plastica riciclata con i più alti standard qualitativi, ottimizzando gli impatti e offrendo prodotti affidabili, alto performanti e di design.

PiovanGroup holds 18 patents related to the circular economy.

Since 2006, the Group has supplied equipment and systems for over 350 plants dedicated to recycling plastics or using recycled plastics.


The Group designs and makes products with an average useful life of 10-15 years and ensures high standards of post-sales service, including a retrofit service that increases a product’s remaining useful life.
Once a machine is decommissioned, it can be dismantled for parts, which are over 85% recyclable.


To accelerate the sustainability of our customers, Energys S.r.l., the Group's certified ESCo, offers its customers services and technologies to perform an in-depth analysis of consumption, identifying all potential savings, both energy and economic, within the company.

• 933 EECs sold in 2023
• 8,624 GJ customer savings generated by white certificates


Environmental impact management and control system, with a view to continuous effective and sustainable improvement with ISO 14001:2015 certification for the parent company. The performance indicators identified in this area are:
• Energy consumption and related emissions
• Waste management
• Water consumption management


The amount and type of waste produced by an organisation represent the consequences of activities necessary for production and operations. It is essential to understand where in the value chain this waste is generated in order to better understand its impacts and implement actions to mitigate its effects and to take measures to promote circularity.

Nel corso del 2023 sono state raccolte 1.303 tonnellate di rifiuti, di cui 1.184 tonnellate di rifiuti non pericolosi e 118 tonnellate di rifiuti pericolosi. Il 50% di rifiuti non pericolosi è stato riciclato.

ESG - Sostenibilità sociale

The quality of what we do reflects the quality of the people who work with us. People who know they can count on an organisation that motivates each employee, enhances their talents, and enhances their skills


People who enjoy an optimal working environment, have good career opportunities, and are proud to be part of a Group in which they trust and with which they share objectives and values. 



Diversità ed inclusione
Equilibrio vita-lavoro
Comunità locali
Sviluppo e Tutela delle Risorse Umane


PiovanGroup encourages the participation e responsible involvement of its people, also through social dialogue, in order to improve their inclusion and ensure that its values and culture are fully understood.
Il rispetto del valore della diversità all'interno del Gruppo e l'inclusione sono principi praticati quotidianamente dal management e diffusi in tutta l'organizzazione.

In addition, the Board of Directors has approved the Diversity Policy aimed at promoting and protecting gender, age and seniority diversity in relation to the bodies in office.

Nel 2023, il 17% dei dipendenti è di genere femminile.


PiovanGroup considers training a strategic resource. The investment in training is therefore not only initial, but is distributed over time, in order to foster professional growth, individual motivation and professionalism to ensure the quality of products and services. Piovan has always believed that the development and sharing of skills are factors that determine the creation of a solid and successful company.

Nel corso del 2023 sono state erogate dal Gruppo 52.124 ore di formazione, (+8% rispetto all’anno scorso):
• 23,574 hours of technical training
• 11,054 hours of health and safety training
• 4,781 hours of soft skills training


The safety and health of the Group's employees are a priority. Creating a safe and comfortable workplace means not only ensuring full compliance with laws and regulations, but also working constantly to develop and keep up-to-date a comprehensive risk analysis and spreading a culture of health and safety.

Confirming its commitment to occupational health and safety, in 2019 the parent company achieved ISO 45001:2018 certification (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems). During 2023, the Health and Safety Policy was approved at a Group level, which complements the existing policies.

Equilibrio vita-lavoro

Piovan S.p.A. has developed a welfare plan that allows employees to improve their work-life balance and to access innovative personnel management policies.

The actions in place are numerous, starting from the flexibility of working hours which allows autonomy in time management, to the granting of various types of part-time.

Comunità locali

The social commitment of Piovan S.p.A. is based on the concept of the company's responsibility towards the social fabric in which it is inserted and is an expression of the will of the company's top management. The deep connection with the territory translates into a continuous exchange of knowledge and experience, as the performance and success of the company also passes through the welfare of the society in which it operates.

Piovan S.p.A., among other things, contributes to the sponsorship and enhancement of sports and youth activities in the territory.


Approvazione di 3 obiettivi, correlati a 11 attività per la Formazione e Diversity & Inclusion, in linea con gli SDGs Istruzione di Qualità, Parità di genere, Lavoro Dignitoso e Crescita Economica, Riduzione delle le Disuguaglianze:
• Sviluppare del Capitale Umano favorendo la crescita interna;
• Supportare lo sviluppo delle competenze dei collaboratori attraverso l’aumento delle ore di formazione ed estendendo l’accessibilità all’Academy a tutte le Società del Gruppo;
• Favorire la creazione di un ambiente aziendale inclusivo e capace di offrire pari opportunità aumentando la presenza di minoranze e la rappresentanza femminile in ruoli strategici e nell’organico.

ESG - Governance

The Company considers an adequate governance structure and an effective control environment to be a fundamental element of its management and organisation, as a set of instruments, processes and bodies necessary and useful to direct, manage and verify corporate operations, with a view to efficient and ethical business practice.

In terms of corporate governance, Piovan S.p.A. has adopted a codified structure, with particular reference to the adoption of the principles set forth in the Corporate Governance Code drawn up by the Corporate Governance Committee of Borsa Italiana.

Gli organi sociali che formano il sistema di governance di Piovan S.p.A. sono i seguenti:

  • consiglio di amministrazione
  • comitati interni
  • collegio sindacale
  • assemblea degli azionisti
  • organismo di vigilanza
Consiglio di Amministrazione
Comitato Controllo Rischi e Sostenibilità
Codice Etico
Integrità del Business
Gestione dei rischi ESG


The Board of Directors is currently composed of 7 members, 5 of whom are non-executive and 5 independent. The Chairman of the Board of Directors has an executive role. In addition to the powers assigned to it by law and the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors has exclusive jurisdiction over the most important decisions both from an economic and strategic point of view and in terms of their structural impact on operations, i.e. those functional to the monitoring and guidance of the Company and the Group.

La composizione del CDA per genere è 71% maschile e 29% femminile.


La struttura di governo del Gruppo include un Comitato Controllo e Rischi e Sostenibilità composto da 3 componenti, non esecutivi, in maggioranza indipendenti.

The Control and Risk and Sustainability Committee, among other activities, supports and advises the Board of Directors on sustainability issues and evaluates sustainability policies aimed at ensuring the creation of value over time for all other stakeholders in the medium-long term, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Furthermore, the Control and Risk and Sustainability Committee evaluates the sustainability guidelines, objectives and consequent processes, and the sustainability reporting submitted annually to the Board of Directors, including, in particular, the Sustainability Report.


To clearly define the responsibility and reference values, PiovanGroup has decided to adopt a Code of Ethics, approved by the Board of Directors of the Parent Company and implemented by the subsidiary entities and intended for directors, statutory auditors, management, internal collaborators, as well as all those who permanently or temporarily establish, for any reason, relationships and collaborations with the Company for the pursuit of the corporate objectives.
The principles set out in the Code are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the organisation, directing the addressees towards positive objectives, capable of producing benefits both for those directly concerned and for the reference environment as a whole, through the improvement of internal relations and attention to good reputation.

Attraverso lo strumento del Codice Etico il Gruppo ha voluto evidenziare e diffondere i valori che da sempre lo accompagnano, come ad esempio:

  • correttezza
  • trasparenza ed accessibilità delle informazioni
  • diligenza e professionalità
  • valorizzazione, responsabilità delle risorse umane e uso corretto dei beni aziendali
  • pari opportunità e divieto di molestie
  • salute e sicurezza sul lavoro.


Il Gruppo Piovan svolge la propria attività d’impresa nel rispetto dei valori e dei principi contenuti nel Codice Etico, nella convinzione che la gestione degli affari non possa prescindere dall’etica nei rapporti sia interni che esterni. A questo riguardo, contrastare la corruzione, attiva e passiva, rifiutandola in ogni contesto e in qualsiasi forma, costituisce un impegno concreto per il Gruppo.

PiovanGroup intends to raise awareness on corruption and on how to counter it among its employees, representatives, suppliers, partners and anyone who carries out activities in the name of, on behalf of or under the control of the Group and encourages their responsible involvement in order to strengthen the effectiveness and ethical reputation of PiovanGroup.


Il Gruppo Piovan ha iniziato nel 2019 un percorso per lo sviluppo di un sistema di monitoraggio e gestione dei rischi adottando un Enterprise Risk Management basato sul CoSO ERM-Integrated Framework. Lo scopo del progetto è di coinvolgere le funzioni aziendali nell’individuazione dei principali rischi, fornire uno strumento efficace per la loro gestione e monitoraggio che garantisca una conduzione del business coerente con gli obiettivi approvati dal Consiglio di Amministrazione.
All’interno di tale attività, l’Internal Audit col supporto delle varie funzioni, ha disegnato un Enterprise Risk Management ESG che considera nella valutazione dei rischi identificati e gli impatti ai temi materiali identificati nell’Engagement Stakeholder.
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