
Consciência e compromisso com um crescimento equilibrado e sustentável

As questões ESG são uma excelente oportunidade para estruturar um crescimento sustentável, respeitando os valores ambientais, de igualdade social e de governança.
Nicola Piovan
Presidente Executivo

Nossas conquistas

ESG - Sustentabilidade Ambiental

O plástico é muito mais reciclável do que você imagina; de fato, muitos dos polímeros plásticos podem ser reciclados em novos produtos, enquanto minimizam a poluição ambiental. 

 O plástico tem um baixo impacto ambiental na fase de produção, devido à temperatura de fusão relativamente baixa e peso leve. Também tem baixo impacto em recursos escassos, porque deriva do processamento de resíduos, quando virgem, ou de materiais reciclados (diferente de outras embalagens, como as de papel que podem contribuir para o desflorestamento.  

O Grupo está extremamente focado em soluções para recuperação de plástico pós-consumo e seu processamento. Estamos trabalhando continuamente para grandes players do setor, para oferecer soluções inovadoras, usando plásticos reciclados ou biodegradáveis. 

Product Recyclability
Energy Management
Climate Change Mitigation


Nosso objetivo é oferecer aos nossos clientes as melhores tecnologias possíveis para o processamento de plásticos recicláveis com o mais altos padrões de qualidade, otimizando impactos e oferecendo produtos confiáveis, de alto desempenho e design.

PiovanGroup holds 18 patents related to the circular economy.
Since 2006, the Group has supplied equipment and systems for over 350 plants dedicated to recycling plastics or using recycled plastics.

Product Recyclability

The Group designs and makes products with an average useful life of 10-15 years and ensures high standards of post-sales service, including a retrofit service that increases a product’s remaining useful life.
Once a machine is decommissioned, it can be dismantled for parts, which are over 85% recyclable.

Energy management

To accelerate the sustainability of our customers, Energys S.r.l., the Group's certified ESCo, offers its customers services and technologies to perform an in-depth analysis of consumption, identifying all potential savings, both energy and economic, within the company.

• 933 EECs sold in 2023
• 8,624 GJ customer savings generated by white certificates

Environmental policies

The Group approved an Environmental Policy in September 2023, strengthening its commitment to sustainability. The parent company maintains ISO 14001:2015 certification, ensuring a state-of-the-art environmental management system. The photovoltaic system at the headquarters was completed in 2023, in line with the approved sustainability goals aligned with SDGs 7 and 13.
Key indicators monitored include energy consumption and emissions, waste management, and water consumption.

Climate Change Mitigation

The Group has adopted four targets related to five climate change mitigation activities. The first objective is to increase the supply of green energy, both through new renewable energy supply contracts and the installation of photovoltaic systems. The second objective is to monitor the Group's consumption in order to reduce emissions by evaluating and implementing energy efficiency initiatives. The third objective focuses on measuring and reducing indirect emissions (Scope 3). Finally, the fourth objective is to adapt the business to climate change.

ESG - Sustentabilidade Social

A qualidade do que fazemos é refletida na qualidade das pessoas que trabalham conosco. As pessoas sabem que podem contar com uma empresa que motiva cada colaborador, eleva seus talentos e aprimora suas habilidades. 

Pessoas que desfrutam de um ótimo ambiente de trabalho, tem boas oportunidades de carreira, e sentem orgulho de fazer parte de um Grupo no qual confiam e compartilham objetivos e valores. 

Diversidade & Inclusão
Human Resources Development and Protection

Diversidade & Inclusão

O Grupo Piovan motiva a participação e o envolvimento responsável de suas pessoas através do diálogo social, a fim de melhorar sua inclusão e garantir que seus valores e cultura sejam plenamente entendidos.
Respect for the diversity value within the Group and inclusion are principles practised daily by the Group's management and disseminated throughout the organisation.

In addition, the Board of Directors has approved the Diversity Policy aimed at promoting and protecting gender, age and seniority diversity in relation to the bodies in office and the Policy for the Protection of Human Rights.

In 2023, 17% of employees are women.


PiovanGroup considers training a strategic resource. The investment in training is therefore not only initial, but is distributed over time, in order to foster professional growth, individual motivation and professionalism to ensure the quality of products and services. Piovan has always believed that the development and sharing of skills are factors that determine the creation of a solid and successful reality.

During 2023, 52,124 hours of training were provided by the Group, (+8% compared to 2022):
• 23,574 hours of technical training
• 11,054 hours of health and safety training
• 4,781 hours of soft skills training


A segurança e a saúde dos nossos colaboradores são prioridades para o Grupo. Criar um local de trabalho seguro e confortável, não significa apenas cumprir com as leis e regulamentações, mas também trabalhar constantemente para desenvolver e manter atualizada as análise de riscos e disseminar a cultura de saúde e segurança.

Confirming its commitment to occupational health and safety, in 2019 the parent company achieved ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) certification. During 2023, the Health and Safety Policy was approved at a Group level, which complements the existing policies.


A Piovan S.p.A. desenvolveu um plano de bem-estar que permite aos colaboradores melhorarem seu equilíbrio entre a vida pessoal e a vida profissional, e aceder à políticas inovadoras de gestão de pessoas.

Actions in place are numerous, starting with flexible working hours that allow autonomy in time management, the granting of various types of part-time and smart working, the introduction of sustainable mobility initiatives and a Global employee Survey that surveyed employees in all countries of the Group.

Comunidades Locais

O comprometimento social da Piovan S.p.A, baseia-se no conceito da responsabilidade da empresa no âmbito social que está inserida. A profunda conexão com a região, traduz uma troca contínua de conhecimentos e experiências, uma vez que o desempenho e o sucesso da empresa, também passam pelo bem-estar da sociedade que está inserida.

A Piovan S.p.A., entre outros aspectos, também contribui com o patrocínio e valorização das atividades esportivas juvenis da região.

Human Resources Development and Protection

Approval of 3 goals, related to 11 activities for Training and Diversity & Inclusion, in line with the SDGs Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reducing Inequality:
• Developing of Human Capital by fostering internal growth;
• Supporting the development of employees' skills by increasing training hours and extending Academy accessibility to all Group Companies;
• Foster the creation of an inclusive and equal opportunity business environment by increasing minority and female representation in strategic roles and in the workforce.

ESG - GovernançaG - Governança

A empresa considera uma estrutura de governança adequada e um ambiente com controle eficaz, elementos fundamentais para sua gestão e organização, como um conjunto de instrumentos, processos e órgãos necessários e úteis para dirigir, gerir e verificar as operações empresariais, visando práticas éticas e eficientes.

Em termos de governança corporativa, a Piovan S.p.A., adotou uma estrutura codificada, com particular referência à adoção dos princípios estabelecidos no Código de Governança Corporativa, elaborado pelo Comitê de Governança Corporativa da Bolsa Italiana.

Os órgãos corporativos que formam o sistema de governança da Piovan S.p.A. são os seguintes:

  • Conselho Administrativo
  • Internal Committees
  • Board of Statutory Auditors
  • Shareholders' Meeting.

Specifically, the Board of Directors is supported in its functions by three committees:

  • Nominating and Compensation Committee
  • Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee
  • Related Parties Committee.

The Board of Directors has also established a Supervisory Board pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Conselho Administrativo
Risk Control and Sustainability Committee
Código de Ética
Business Integrity
ESG Risk Management

Composição do Conselho Administrativo

The Board of Directors is currently composed of 7 members, 5 of whom are non-executive and 5 independent. The Chairman of the Board of Directors has an executive role. In addition to the powers assigned to it by law and the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors has exclusive jurisdiction over the most important decisions both from an economic and strategic point of view and in terms of their structural impact on operations, i.e. those functional to the monitoring and guidance of the Company and the Group.

The composition of the Board of Directors by gender is 71% male and 29% female.

Risk Control and Sustainability Committee

As the body responsible for sustainability, the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee:

  • performs support and advisory functions to the Board of Directors on sustainability matters, by which is meant the processes, initiatives and activities aimed at overseeing the Company's commitment to sustainable development along the value chain;
  • examines the contents of the sustainability report and periodic information of a non-financial nature relevant to the internal control system and risk management;
  • examines and evaluates the sustainability policies aimed at ensuring the creation of value over time for the generality of shareholders and all other stakeholders over a medium to long term horizon in compliance with the principles of sustainable development as well as the sustainability guidelines, objectives and consequent sustainability processes and sustainability reporting submitted annually to the Board of Directors, including, the Sustainability Report.

Código de Ética

In order to clearly define its reference values and responsibilities, the Piovan Group has decided to have a Code of Ethics, approved by the Board of Directors of the Parent Company, transposed by the subsidiary entities and intended for corporate bodies, auditors, personnel, as well as all those who operate in a relevant or continuous manner in the name of, on behalf of or in the interest of PiovanGroup.
The Code of Ethics constitutes a set of principles and values whose observance is of fundamental importance for the smooth operation, reliability of management and reputation of Piovan Group.

Through the instrument of the Code of Ethics, the Group wanted to highlight and disseminate the values that have always accompanied it, such as:

  • Fairness
  • Impartiality
  • Integrity
  • Diligence and Professionalism
  • Transparency
  • Saúde e Segurança ocupacional
  • Human Rights
  • Respect
  • Environment
  • Quality.

Business Integrity

O Grupo Piovan realiza suas atividades empresariais em conformidade com os valores e princípios descritos no Código de Ética, crendo que a gestão dos negócios não pode desconsiderar a ética nos relacionamentos internos e externos. Neste contexto, combater a corrupção, tanto ativa como passiva, rejeitando-a em qualquer circunstância e de qualquer forma, constitui um verdadeiro compromisso para o Grupo.

O Grupo Piovan pretende conscientizar sobre a corrupção e como combatê-la, entre seus colaboradores, representantes, fornecedores, parceiros e qualquer pessoa que exerça atividades em nome, por conta ou sob o controle do Grupo, incentivando o envolvimento responsável para fortalecer a eficiência e a reputação ética do Grupo Piovan.

Piovan encourages people to report any irregularities in good faith through appropriate channels suitable for ensuring confidentiality on the identity of the reporter and the contents of the report, in accordance with the procedures adopted on whistleblowing.

ESG Risk Management

The PiovanGroup began in 2019 a journey to develop a risk monitoring and management system by adopting an Enterprise Risk Management based on the CoSO ERM-Integrated Framework. The purpose of the project is to involve business functions in the identification of the main risks, provide an effective tool for their management and monitoring that ensures business conduct consistent with the objectives approved by the Board of Directors.
Within this activity, Internal Audit with the support of the various functions, designed an Enterprise Risk Management ESG that considers in the assessment of identified risks and impacts to the material issues identified in the Stakeholder Engagement.