
Optimizing plastic production process: PiovanGroup's sector-specific solutions

Plastic polymers play a fundamental role in every business area: from packaging to medical, from construction to automotive, from electronics to communications, from furniture to textiles. It is a light, strong and ductile material which, with the correct supply chain and behaviour by end users, can be easily recycled. The entire plastic production and processing chain must be able to innovate continuously to improve the performance and sustainability of products and processes.
Storage, transport, dehumidification, dosing, temperature control, refrigeration and dew point and process control are just some of the phases in which a partner like the PiovanGroup supports manufacturers with integrated solutions and monitoring and tracking software.
百旺集团在寻求综合、高效的生态可持续解决方案方面一直走在前列,有利于原料使用和优化能源消耗,聚合物的合理地转化,以及材料回收技术的发展, 以环境友好的方式使用塑料。